Meet the 5L Crew
Larry and Lisa

Larry wears a lot of hats on the ranch, his biggest one is trying to keep all the different pieces moving along through the year. On our ranch there are so many different things going on all the time. We have cow work going on through out the year and different seasons bring different jobs around the ranch. Such as farming, haying, chopping silage, combining, feeding and the list goes on.
Lisa keeps us all in line and enjoys taking pictures of everything! As well as helping cook for the crew and doing the mounds of dishes that go thru the ranch house kitchen!!

Laramie pretty much lives in a tractor most of the year. If he isn't farming, haying, cutting silage, combining or hauling hay he can be found in the shop working on equipment. On a rare occasion he does haul cows, but prefers nobody to know that :)
Zach, Larisa, Charlynn & Oakley

Zach does a lot of the trucking for the ranch. Anything from cows, grain, hay and equipment to different custom jobs. When he isn't trucking for the ranch he spends quite a bit of time on the road hauling whatever happens to come his way.
Larisa spends a lot of time in the office and running the meat business. I sure if you have been to a local farmers market or to the meat store you have run into her. She still gets to spend a fair bit of time working cows and chasing kids throughout the year :)
David, Larinda, Presley, Laredo
& newest addition Larriat

David travels the country carcass ultrasounding cattle. He does all our ultrasounding here on the ranch for our bull sale, replacement heifers and our butcher cattle.
Larinda also helps out with the meat business, going to farmers markets and running the meat shop. She prefers to do cow work though :) She spends most of the summer in the side by side with the kids in tow looking at cows.

Logan is the main feed guy. He spends a lot of time in the feed truck throughout the year since we have cattle on feed year round it seems like. Logan spends a lot of time working cows, driving silage truck and he enjoys keeping all his guns sighted in. You will also find him at the meat shop once in a while.